

miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011

In the big van...thing..??

Hey,guys..ur fave blonde,Linds is back!!! Well,technically,I'm in a big van thing,I 

think it's called an yeah..we're going to where?Oh,right..Niagra Falls,so excited!!! I'm doing nothing,besides writing here,DUH! Later on I'm gonna call my friends back home,Brianna and Heidi,lol SHOUTOUT!

Omg,Tyler just sent me an e-mail EEEEEP! Can't wait to see it!! ok it says here:

''Hi,beautiful,how you doing? *smiley face*''


"Hi,Ty,I'm good,hbu??? i'm going to niagra falls,u should totally come with!!''

Mmmmkay,he replyed with..wait a sec,lemme hit copy/paste..wait idk how to do that,silly me,lemme ask Courtney,she's like a tech geek lol....mmmhmm...mhmm..yeah,ok,thanks Court...ok,here we go

''I already am,look to ur right *winky face*''

Awwww,hi Tyler *waves*this is fun...last e-mail reply

''CUTE!!!  lol gtg lysm!!!''

Tyler replied with...hmm,let's see...

''Kk,byeee!!! wanna iChat?''

ok,I'm right next to you but...kay!*logs on*

Well,iChatting is hard to put,so I'm gonna ask Court...but I gtg..literally...kay byeeee!!!!!!! <3<3<3


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